BIBLE FACT: "And the Almighty said moreover to Moses, "This is what you will say to the children of Israel, Yah the Ruler of your fathers, the Ruler of Abraham, the Ruler of Isaac, and the Ruler of Jacob, has sent me to you: this is My Name forever, and this is My Memorial to all nations." Exodus 3:15, names restored. David told us he would cause the Almighty's Name to be remembered in all generations forever and ever. [Psalm 45:17] All generations would include all nations! He also told us to Praise the Almighty by His Name "Yah". [Psalm 68:4] The Savior told us to search the Old Testament Scriptures, because the New Testament was still unwritten, and we would find Him. [John 5:39] Isaiah told us that "Yasha" would come with His rewards with Him. [Isaiah 62:11, under salvation] Zechariah told us "Yasha" would come into Jerusalem on a donkey. [Zechariah 9:9, under salvation] Peter told us there was only ONE Name under heaven by which we must be saved. [Acts 4:12] The Savior told us that He came in His Father's Name and would not be accepted [in that Name], but another comes in his own name, he will be accepted. [John 5:43.]
BIBLE FACT: The Savior used the name "Yah" in the Old Testament and told Moses that His Name was "Yah" and that this was His Memorial Name forever to all generations. [Exodus 3:15] The Savior told us that He existed before Abraham and was called "Yah" [John 8:58] Joel tells us that "Whoever calls on the Name of Yah will be saved." [Joel 2:32] Peter quotes from Joel showing a partial fulfillment of this text at Pentecost. [Acts 2:21] And Paul quotes the same text. [Romans 10:13] Whenever you see "the LORD" in capital letters, it is where the translators have told us they substituted "the LORD" for the Memorial Name, something we have all been told not to do! Therefore when an Old Testament text is quoted in the New Testament, it should be restored to the original inspired text. The redeemed of all ages will have the Father's and Son's Name in their forehead. [Revelation 7:1-4; 14:1]\
BIBLE FACT: Yes! He does have a special Name and He gave us His Name in His Law: "You must not forsake the Name of Yah your Ruler, for Yah will not hold him innocent who forsakes His Name." Exodus 20:7. And in Exodus 3:14, 15, He said "This is My Name FOREVER, and this is My Memorial to all nations." [Exodus 3:15] Notice He said "Name" [singular]! Paul tells us there are "lords many and gods many" [1 Corinthians 8:5] and we have been commanded to " make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of your mouth." [Exodus 23:13] Our Heavenly Father has told us His Angel would carry His Name "Beware of Him, and obey His voice, provoke Him not; for He will not pardon your transgressions: for My Name is in Him." [Exodus 23:21] The Savior says the same about His Name. [John 5:43; Matthew 18:20] He said He was Yah and that that was His Name, and He wouldn't give the honor [glory] to another name, nor praise to idols. [Isaiah 42:8] He has told us not to call Him "Lord" anymore, [Hosea 2:16] and has promised to take the names of Baal out of His follower's mouths. [Hosha 2:17] There is only ONE NAME that will save you. [Acts 4:12]
BIBLE FACT: The New Testament writers were Hebrews, except for Luke, and they wrote the New Testament in Hebrew, but it was translated into the Hellenist [Greek] after the original Apostles had died. We have been told to search the Old Testament to find the Savior, because the New Testament was still unwritten! [John 5:39] The professed follower's of the Savior believe He was a Hebrew of the tribe of Judah, but they refuse to accept Him by His Hebrew Name, just as He told us would happen. [John 5:43] When the Savior talked to Paul on the road to Damascus, He spoke to him in the Hebrew language. [Acts 26:14] Because the Savior was accused of blasphemy by the high priest, He was put to death [Leviticus 24:16], and His Name was blotted out of the tribes of Israel. [Deuteronomy 29:20] The disciples were ordered by the Sanhedrin not to teach or preach in the Savior's Name. [Acts 4:13-20; 5:28, 40-42]
BIBLE FACT: The Name has not been lost! The assumption that the Name of the Creator has been lost, cannot be pronounced, or that He has many names, strikes directly at the foundation of the 3rd Commandment. It represents the Creator as commanding men to not take His Name in vain when He has many names. This is unlike His method of dealing with His creatures. It makes indefinite and obscure that which He has made very plain. It is infidelity in its most insidious and hence most dangerous form; its real character is so disguised that it is held and taught by many who profess to believe the Bible. He gave His Name to Moses at the burning bush, but it was written wrong the translators [scribes]. [Jeremiah 8:8, 9] David told us "I will make Your Name to be remembered in all generations: therefore the people will praise You forever and ever." [Psalm 45:17] And he told us to praise the Creator by "His Name Yah". [Psalm 68:4] At the end of time all the redeemed will be saying "Halleluyah" [Revelation 19:1, 3, 4, 6] All languages praise Him in the word "Halleluyah'! His Name is only hidden to those who are lost! [2 Corinthians 4:3].
BIBLE FACT: Adam and Eve knew their Creator's Name. When Eve gave birth to their first son, she believed he was the promised Seed. "And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord." Genesis 4:1. Abraham called Him Yah Yareh, [Genesis 22:14] Gideon called Him Yah Shalom [Judges 6:24], and Moses, before the Commandments were written, called Him Yah Nissi [Exodus 17:15].
BIBLE FACT: The Name is found in the New Testament is to be compared to, and be in harmony with the Law and the Testimony before we accept it as infallible. [Isaiah 8:20] The reason the Creator and Savior's Name was not found in the New Testament is because the Savior was declared by the high priest as a blasphemer [Matthew 26:63-66], and the penalty for blasphemy is death, [Leviticus 24:16] and the person's name would be blotted out of the tribes of Israel. [Deuteronomy 29:20] The Savior did say He manifest His Father's Name to the disciples, [John 17:6, 11, 12, 26] and the Savior claimed the Name given to Moses at the burning bush, [Exodus 3:14, 15] but the translators wrote it wrong. [John 8:58, under I AM] The Redeemed will all praise His NameHalleluyah [Revelation 19:1, 3, 4, 6]. The Savior has even told us that He came in His Father's Name and we would not accept Him in that Name, but that another would come in his own name, and the world would accept that Being in his own name. [John 5:43].
BIBLE FACT: This is not true! He told us someone else would come in a name that was supplanted and deceive many. [John 5:43] We have been told the translators would write the Law wrong. [Jeremiah 8:8, 9] The translators have told us that they substituted the "LORD" in capital letters every time they saw the Memorial Name in the Scriptures. " My Name continually every day is blasphemed. Therefore My people will know My Name: therefore in that day they will know that I AM He that does speak, behold, it is I." [Isaiah 52:5, 6] The Savior told us not to be deceived. [Matthew 24:4] Paul warned us of those who would preach another message then the one he preached, and he even put a curse on them. [Galatians 1:8, 9] The only people the truth is hidden from are the lost. [Matthew 10:26; Mark 4:22; 2 Corinthians 4:3; Acts 20:29, 30.]
BIBLE FACT: As the claims of the true Name were presented, many reasoned from the worldling's stand point. Said they: "We have always called our Savior "Jesus", our fathers called on that name, and many good and pious men have died happy while calling on that name. If they were right, so are we. [Who says they were right?] The calling on this new Name would throw us out of harmony with the world, and we would have no influence over them. What can a little company calling on the Name of "Yasha" hope to accomplish against all the world who pray to "Jesus"?" The Creator said His people would know His Name, [Isaiah 56:6-8] and the redeemed would call on His Name. [Micah 4:5] His people would be hated by all nations because of His Name. [Matthew 24:9-13] And only those who believe on the Name of the only begotten Son of Yah, will be saved. [John 3:18; 1 John 5:13] He has promised to give us a pure language so we can all call on the Name of Yah. [Zephaniah 3:9] The martyrs during the Reformation were more concerned with truth, not with being in harmony with the world. If we love the world, we do not know the Father. [1 John 2:15-17] So for those of you who will not see this truth, you will be allowed to believe a lie. [2 Thessalonians 2:10-12] Whoever confesses the true Savior before men, the Savior will confess that person before His Father in Heaven. But whoever denies the Savior before men, will be denied before the Heavenly Father. [Matthew 10:32, 33] The name "Jesus" is the Latin/English way of saying the Greek 'Ye zeus". The Greeks believed their savior god "Zeus" was the same god as all the other nations. [Dictionary of Comparative Religions, page 662, under Zeus; Also see Great People of the Bible and How They Lived, published by The Reader's Digest Association, Inc., page 283] And for those who believe the Savior's name was "Yeshua", this is the Hebrew way of saying "Jesuit". [The New Bantam-Megiddo Hebrew & English Dictionary, page 211.] The Name "Yah shua" is a made up word and is never found in the inspired Scriptures!
So if you are concerned with being out of kilter with the world, this world will be all you ever receive!