All restored names will be found at the bottom of each study in alphabetical order, with
the Strongs # found in the Hebrew Dictionary. If the name is only found in the Greek
Dictionary, there will be a G#- after the name. For your convenience in looking over our
studies, you might want to print this page to have all the references to names that might
be new to you rather then having to click back and forth.
Abba # 1 = Father. Abba is the Chaldean/Babylonian way of saying Father.
Abihu # 30.
Adon - the Lord # 113. The modern "Jews" have substituted
"Adonay" when they refer to the Almighty. Whenever you see "the LORD"
in the Scriptures where the translators have substituted for the Memorial Name, the
Jews dont believe anyone should pronounce the Memorial name, so they use
"Adonay" instead.
Ephratah # 672.
Aaron # 175.
Achbor# 5907.
Angel Malak # 4397. The meaning for "Malak" is
ambassador, angel, king, and messenger. When the Scripture says "angel of the
LORD" many times it is referring to the only begotten Son and in these cases should
read "Ambassador of Yah".
# 543 G-# 281. We do not use this word because it is originally from Mitsrayim.
[see below] Their gods were called "Amen" as in "Tutamen."
Ancient times
eternity - everlasting # 5769. Means, concealed time out
of mind i.e. eternity always [s] ancient [time]. Just because
"forever" in English means "time without end" doesnt mean that
this is the meaning in Hebrew. This is why many believe the dead will be burning forever
and ever. Impossible! How can flesh burn forever and ever when they dont have one
vital element Yasha. He was what kept the 3 Hebrew men from burning up in the fiery
furnace. The Scriptures tell us that the wicked will be burned up, perish, ashes under the
feet of the saved. The Greek # 165 means also "an age", in comparison with G-#
5550 means "a space of time, denotes a particular time, season, interval, a
while". See our study on everlasting fire.
Andrew # 7453.[G# 406]
[Hebrew-Mashayah, see below]- Kristos G# 5547 Messiah Latin
Asahiah # 6222.
Esau # 6215.
Assyria # 803. In a Rand-Mcnalley Map I purchased in 1990, for
"Syria" they have "Suryah".
Buzi # 941. There is no "u" in Hebrew. The "vav" is
either a "v", "o" or "oo" sound.
Chief Ambassador
archangel # 743. Since 1 Thessalonians 14:16 makes reference
to the voice of the "archangel" calling forth all those who have accepted the
true Savior, this Chief Ambassador is none other than our Savior Yasha, for He said it
would be the voice of the Son of Man [Himself] who would raise the dead. [Yahanan 5:25,
27, 28.]
: A supplement to a will; a testamentary instrument intended to alter an
already executed will. From Wordnet 1.6 Princeton University.
Assemblies Churches. The word "Church" is
Latin from the Greek and means "the house of Kurious". We worship in "a
house of Yah" and therefore we have chosen to go back to the Hebrew words of
"Congregations" and "Assemblies" or "people of Yah".
, consecrated Holy # 6944. In Hebrew it is "Qodesh"
meaning "consecrated, dedicated". [hallowed, holy, sanctity, sanctified, and
sanctuary, are Latin words and are of Babylon]
G-# 4716. "A stake or post (spec.) a pole or cross." Remember it was
the Romans who crucified the Savior and the cross was their instrument of torture. The
instrument our Savior was nailed to was a pole with cross arms!
Daniel # 1840.
Enos # 583.
# 5631 [Saric in Hebrew one who is castrated, or an official in the
court]. This is a Hellenistic/Greek word, which was adapted from the Babylonians. See
Danayil 1:3.]
Glad Tidings
# 1319. The word "gospel" is Greek and therefore the Savior
didnt use that phrase, but used "glad tidings" as in Luke 4:18 where He
quoted from Yashayah 61:1.
Abel # 1893.
- #1919. The Hebrew name for Esther.
Agar # 1904. G-# 28, of Hebrew origin.
Ananias # 2608 [G-367].
Enoch # 2585. The Greeks leave the "h" off the beginning and
sometimes the end of words. Take for instance "Halleluyah" in Revelation 19:1,
3, 4, 6. It was transliterated "Alleluia" leaving the "h" completely.
The "ch" is Yiddish.
Eve # 2332. Life Giver. The "ch" or Chet character looks just
like the "hey" "h" but is closed, in the ancient Hebrew, according to
Encyclopedia Judiaca. The "ch" is not from the Hebrew but is Yiddish, and
therefore is not included in the original Hebrew characters.
Ezekiel # 3168. Ezekiel is from 2388 & 410, exactly the same as
Hezeikiah # 2396 from 2388 & 3050. Since "El" and "Elohym" are
suspect of coming from Babylon, we believe the prophets name was "Hezekiyah".
Strongs says "Ezekiel" means "Yah will strengthen" and
"Hezekiyah" means "Strengthened of Yah". Again men have taken
Yahs Name out of the names of the prophets.
Hilkiah # 2518.
Hosea # 1954.
Immanuel # 6005, G-# 1694.
Breath Spirit # 5397 Nashamah. In 2 Timothy 3:16,
17, Paul is telling us the Scriptures were "Yah breathed".
Job # 347.
God # 430, and means Mighty One, Judge, and Magistrate. Elohim comes
from Babylon, and must be discarded.
Caleb # 3612.
Capernaum # 3723-5151. G# 2584.
Cain # 7014.
Cephas Peter # 3710. Also see # 3721, which means to bow down, be
Canaan # 3667.
- Cyrus # 3566.
Malachi # 4401.
Melchizedek # 4442.
376 Ishi Yasha. See Who is Ishi?
Anointed of Yah Messiah # 4899. Again the "ch" is
not from the Hebrew but is Yiddish. This last character [reading left to right] is
actually a "hey" and therefore would be "Mashayah", using the Hebrew
characters and not the man-made vowel marks.
-Matthew # 4993.
Mary # 4813. Mary is a Latin name.
Egypt # 4714. Also spelled "Mizraim".
Michael # 4320, instead of # 4317. Since "El" and
"Elohim" are suspect because they are the deities of Babylon, this would make
more sense to have the Prince of the Angels have a name which means "One who is like
Yah" rather than "One who is like El". Again we believe this was changed
when the Greek speaking people who joined themselves to Yadah, [Esther 8:17.] translated
the Hebrew Scriptures. In the case of Danayil 12:1, the scribes [translators] brought this
Hebrew word over sound for sound, rather than translating the word.
Micah # 4318.
Mordecai # 4782.
-Moses # 4872.
My people
church. We don't use "church" because it is a Latinized
Greek word that means "house of Kurious" or "house of the Lord". Since
we have been told not to call Him "lord" anymore (Hosha 2:16), we have restored
the true meaning to the Hebrew words "congregation" and "assembly"!
Nahum # 5151.
Nachor # 5152.
Nebuchadrezzar # 5019. This is the King of Babylon and his
name means "may Nebo protect the crown".
Nehemiah # 5166.
Nicodemus # 5331/5971 "Victory-People". In the Greek #
Obadiah # 5662.
Keep Hebrew # 8104 means to hedge guard-protect observe
preserve, and regard. The Greek # 5083 means hold fast keep preserve
and reserve.
Ofaz Uphaz # 210.
# 259. Ahad, which means "United, alike, unify, one, together." This
is the word that is used in Genesis 2:24, " and they will become one
flesh." This doesnt mean they are no longer 2 individuals, but means they are
united, in unity with each other.
One who is Like Yah
see Miykayah.
Only Son
the Word # 1697. From the Hebrew word "debar". When this
word is taken back to its primitive root, it means also "spokesman" and when you
go back to the words "de" and "bar" you have "Only Son."
- # 6439. Here is an example of either misreading of a Hebrew character, or
a slip of the scribes pen. The "yod" of the Hebrew is similar to our
" " [apostrophe], and the "vav" is like the yod only with a
tail brought down to the line.
Jews. The word "Jew" is not Scriptural. It is a very
modern word. Since there is no "J" or "W" in the Hebrew language, the
word "Jew" is a foreign word. We also use "Pharisees" in the place of
"Jew" many times because of what they have said in their Universal Jewish Enc.
(1943) "The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break,
through all the centuries, from the Pharisees. Their leading ideas and methods found
expression in a literature of enormous extent, of which a very great deal is still in
existence. The Talmud is the largest and most important single piece of that literature .
. .and the study of it is essential for any real understanding of Pharisaism."
- tittle # G-2762. The extremity, apex, point of a letter.
Rachel # 7354. We use the Hebrew # 352 "Ayil" rather then
the Chaldean-Babylon # 410.
Arimathea # 7414, G-707.
Rest day
Shabat, Sabbath # 7676. Sabbath is the Hebrew word for Rest. The 7th
day is the Rest day of Yah and He set it aside for our rest and renewal.
Reuben # 7205. No "u" in Hebrew and the "vav" in
this instance would be an "o".
- God # 430. This is the word "Elohim" which we suspect as coming
from Babylon. This word means "rulers, judges, mighty one" and has pagan
meanings as - God and goddess. Our Mighty One, Creator is our Ruler and our Judge,
therefore we have restored the correct meaning of the word to the Scriptures, rather than
the substituted title.
Saul # 7586. [When he taught the Gentiles, he went by the name Paul.]
Sabbath # 7676.
Siloam G-# 4611 of Hebrew origin # 7975, without vowel marks
"Shaloh" and this means "a shoot of growth" "branch".
Solomon # 8010.
Samaritan # 8118.
Samaria # 8111.
Zephaniah # 6846.
Shechem # 7927.
Samuel # 8050.
Seth # 8352.
Simon # 8095.
# 5785. This is the skin from the lambs they sacrificed which lamb represented
the "Seed" of the woman/His followers that would die in their place.
So be it
Amen # 543.
This includes occults, psychics, mediums, New Age philosophy,
witchcraft "rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft" [1 Shemayil 15:3]. If you
will notice, anything having to do with communication with the dead is heathen worship,
and contrary to the inspired Scriptures.
Temple - Sanctuary # 4908. See # 4720 for Sanctuary.
Tabernacle Sanctuary # 4908. See #4720 for Sanctuary.
Time and dividing of time
# 5732 and 6387. This is actually 3 1/2 years.
The 3rd Angels message
, Revelation 14:9-12. For more on this see our study
"The 3 angels messages."
, the - # 1697. Click on to our study on "the Word of
Judah # 3034, also Jude. # 3063 is a word that has added characters.
# 3050, "the Sacred Name." We are
instructed in Psalm 68:4 to sing to the Almighty in His Name "Yah". The Name was also given to us by the
Son in Exodus 3:14 I AM is a translated of "Yah". In verse 15, it is Yah
veh, or Yah, the Life Giver, and states
this is His Memorial Name forever. We do not believe the 4 characters YH VH are one name,
but is His name "Yah", and a
description of one of His characteristics, the Life Giver. In the Old Testament [OT] the
word "God" is taken from Elohim or El which is a substitute for the Memorial
Name. [Universal Jewish Ency. Pg. 7.] "God" in the New Testament [NT] is from
the Hellens [Greek] "Theos" which is their "Supreme One." In
restoring the names to the OT and NT we have used appropriate titles for "God"
or restored the Memorial Name in many of those places where the context suggests. See our
Study "The 3 Powers of Heaven".
Jael # 3278.
John # 3076.
Joshua # 3091.
Jacob [also James] # 3290. [It seems like King James
substituted his name for that of the Hebrew Patriarch-Yakob.]
Jehoram # 3088.
Jerusalem # 3389/3384-7999. We have gone back to the
"Primitive root" on all the names in the Scriptures; this is why we spell
Yarashalom this way. Originally the city was called "Shalem" in Genesis 14:18,
and Psalm 76:2.
Jordan # 3383.
# 3467. This is the only name for
"Savior" in the Hebrew language. See "salvation" in Yashayah 62:11;
Zakaryah 9:9, and "Saviors" in Obadyah 21. The Greeks substituted
"Iezeus" for the Saviors true name because they were forbidden to speak,
preach or write in His name. [Acts 4:17, 18; 5:28, 40, 41] They believed that their savior
god "Zeus" was the same "god" that the Hebrews worshiped. This is not
our own opinion, but is used in the original 1611 KJV in Luke 4:27. This is what the exact
quote says: "And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Elizeus the
prophet " If you look up Elisha, for that is the prophet the Savior was
referring to, you will see by the Hebrew characters, it should be "Yilyasha".
The Romans brought the name "Iezeus" over to "Iesus" and the modern
Jews, thinking they were translating from the original Hebrew, use "Yeshua"
which is just the Hebrew way of saying "Jesus". For more information on the
Saviors Name, click on our study "Why we use Yah and Yasha." And
"Who is Ishi?"]
Ishmmael #3458. More information given in our study on "Who is Ishi?"
Hosanna G-# 5614 "of Heb or. [3467 and 4994] Oh save an
exclamation of adoration. Hebrew # 3467 Yasha, the only Hebrew word for
Savior! H # 4994 na I pray I beseech you. Remember the
Greeks do not have the sh sound in their language, and they were forbidden to
use the Saviors true name by the Sanhedrin.
Israel # 3478. . Yasharayil is the name that was given to Yakob
when he persevered with Yah, the Son. Notice the Saviors name is contained in
Yakobs new name.
- Israel # 3478. "Israel" is an incorrect. The name Yasharon
belongs to all those who follow Yasha and "persevere" and "overcome"
all sin by Yahs Spirit. "The people called by My Name." 2 Chronicles 7:14.
For more information click on to "Who is Ishi?"
Isaiah # 3470.
Jotham #
Joel # 3100. Since this means "Yah is the Almighty" then
"Ya" must be apart of this name.
Jehoiachin # 3078. This king was given several names, such as
Coniah # 3659, and Jehoiachin # 3204. As you search these names out, you will find that
the Ieh has been added to many names, like Judah=Yadah changed to Yahudah.
Jeremiah # 3414.
Jericho # 3405.
Jehu # 3058. There is no "u" in Hebrew the "vav" is
a "v" in this instance. When there is an "h" in the middle of a word,
it must be pronounced thus our spelling.
Jeroboam #
Jezebel # 348.
Elisabeth # 472. G-1665.
Lazarus # 499-352/5826. Lazarus is Latin from the Greek # 2976.
Elijah # 452.
Elisha # 477. [352-3467]
Jesse # 3448.
Isaac # 3327.
Jezreel # 3157. The "el" is Babylonian. The Hebrew is #
352 "ayil" which means "Almighty, Strength".
Jonah # 3124.
Jehoshaphat # 3092. This word has been added to, and the
"ph" of the Greeks was retained.
Josiah # 2977.
Zachariah # 2148.
Zarubbabel # 2216.
Jupiter G-# 2203. "Zeus, dzyooce; of uncert. Aff; in the oblique
cases there is used instead of it a (prob. Cognate) name. Dis, deece, which is otherwise
obs; Zeus or Dis (among the Latins Jupiter or Jove), the supreme deity of the Greeks:
--Jupiter." Also notice the following:
G-#s 1223 "Dia. See 2203."
# 1358 "Dios. See 2203."
# 1364 "Dis. See 2203." When they dont believe certain people should a
name, they substitute their "god".