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Our Mission

This site was developed in order to provide the student of the Scriptures, the true seeker for truth, a clearer understanding of the Scripture as it was inspired and written by the prophets in their own tongue, particularly in regard to the names of people and places. Also to bring out the deceptions or Hoax; that will cause many souls to be lost.

When the original Hebrew text was translated into the Hellenist [Greek] language, the scribes not only inserted their own preconceived ideas about the material, but often used words that did not convey the original meaning it had to the Hebrew writer at the time it was written.

It is therefore our purpose to restore, as closely as possible, the true meanings of words as they were when written down, so they may convey the truth aboutYah’s "plan of salvation", as well as "Satan’s plan for destruction", so that we may be better prepared to stand in the "Time of Trouble", soon to come…

Scripture Studies

"Mind Set" a Terminal Disease

Sacred Name Series

For Your Information: Introduction

#1   Solomon's Challenge

#2   Hebrew Not Greek

#3   Sacred Name Arguments

#4   Why Not "Jesus"

#5   Why Yah and Yasha

#6   Who is Ishi?

#7   Blotting out His Name

#8   The Only Begotten Son

#9   The Word of Yah

#10  Frequently asked Questions

Sunday Studies

Sunday 1st of the week

Mark of the Beast

Catholicism Speaks

Sabbath Studies

Sabbath a Sign of Loyalty

Sabbath Arguments

Third Angels Message

The Seal of Yah

The Only Sign

Sanctuary Studies

The Sanctuary

The Law and the Covenants

The Two Laws

The Feasts


Where are the Dead

State of the Dead

Everlasting Fire

Spirits in Prison

Rich Man and Yilazar

Trinity Studies

Trinity? Truth or a Wine of Babylon

Science Reveals the God-Head

Key Name Texts 

Comparison of the R.I.S.E. and KJV Bibles

  1  Genesis to Job

  2  Psalms to Proverbs

  3  Solomon to Jeremiah

  4 Lamentations to Revelations

Special Studies



Health Series

Coming Soon


Contact Information

Fax 209-797-8980

Postal address
PO Box 2466 - Cartersville, GA 30120
Electronic mail
General Information: lattrain@aol.com
Webmaster: The Living Word Publications